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Wildrats Knight


These creatures, worn with leaf and roots dresses, are generally some tens centimeters tall and have big pointed ears, which are very efficient in detecting the tiniest sounds. This skill make them skilled lookouts even in bad visibility condition. Despite their height, they have agility as best weapon. They are able to make long trips in every type of land. These tireless travelers don't know the meaning of fatigue. Pucks are able to communicate with animals which are grown by young pucks to be ride once become adult. There are two kinds of Pucks: the Explorer Pucks, the quicker ones, usually use rodents (such as giant rats) which they are friend of until death; instead the Swamp Explorers are very versatile and can adapt themselves in wet environments. They are excellent swimmers and they bring little amphibians with them which, once grown, become their mounts.

Ghi chú đặc biệt: Kỹ năng đột nhập của đơn vị này cho phép nó bỏ qua vùng kiểm soát của kẻ thù, do đó di chuyển xung quanh kẻ thù mà không bị cản trở.

Nâng cấp từ: Rats Knight
Nâng cấp thành:
Chi phí: 54
Máu: 54
Di chuyển: 11
KN: 90
Trình độ: 3
Phân loại: chính thống
IDBM Wildrats_Knight
Khả năng: đột nhập
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